Rumored Buzz on vice city market

Vice City is a medium-sized darknet marketplace which began operations in May 2020 . It has been able to draw a devoted crowd of customers and vendors. It was founded on the notion that it would pay particular attention to customer service to differentiate it from other markets which were viewed as unfair to buyers when they first started. The page for the market is slower to load and clunkier than the other markets, and the website suffers from frequent timing-out errors. However, it is able to stay up with some uniformity. A $300 vendor bond is the lowest entry point to newer vendors.

Vice City was one of the first cities to ban all sales of porn related items, that helps reduce chaos. Fentanyl sales too have been prohibited, along with the regular others. While the market isn't offering the most extensive inventory however, it offers a small selection of known drugs and digital items. The market's vendors are located globally, serving all areas of the world.
Product Selection

Vice City currently has around 10,000 listings with about 70% of them being for pharmaceuticals and other drugs. The categories that are available for listings include Benzos, Cannabis, Dissociatives Ecstasy Opioids, Prescriptions, Psychedelics, Steroids, Stimulants Digital, Fraud and Services. The most popular areas are Digital Items (2647 listings) and Cannabis (2130 listings). Most categories are broken down into subcategories that make it easier to find the exact kind of product for which you are searching. The search function isn't working currently.
Payment Methods

Vice City is a Bitcoin (BTC)-only market which, up until recently, used the traditional account-based wallet system. They've switched vice city link to the per-order method of payment this means that buyers do not need to pre-fund their accounts prior to placing an order. Instead, a specific size in BTC gets sent the address representing the order and placed in the account until the request is received. At that point it is released to the vendor. The market seems to be getting ready to support Monero (XMR) but this feature is not yet ready to be implemented. In addition to the standard Escrow payments, Vice City also supports Multisig and FE (finalize early) payment options. However, the latter two aren't accessible to all vendors.
Vice City Pros

Easy, simple registration procedure.
Good, diverse selection of most sought-after items.
Moderation and support team who are responsive.
Payments by order, instead of central account wallets.

Vice City Cons

Doesn't have support for Monero (XMR) - yet (this could change shortly).
Sometimes it's not online or it's stricken by long page loading time.
Market layout isn't the best design.
Simple functions appear to be broken from time-to-time.

Overall, is not an ideal choice for all people when it comes down to selecting a darknet-based market. However, having been in business for a year and a half since their launch, they've managed develop an authentic user base. This is largely thanks to making good on their promise to incorporate user feedback into their market procedures, although the market is under development, its admins provide a reliable method to connect vendors and buyers until it is fully developed.

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